SAB, Genesis 10
Just genealogy not worth any real review
The entire tenth chapter is one of the many boring genealogies (see 1 Chr.1-9, Mt.1:1-17, Lk.3:23-28 for other examples) that we are told to avoid in 1 Tim.1:4 and Tit.3:9 ("Avoid foolish questions and genealogies.")
(10:5, 20, 31)"Every one after his tongue"
These verses show that, contrary to 11:1, many languages existed before construction began on the tower of Babel.
Were there languages before Babel?
(10:8-9) "Nimrod ... a mighty hunter before the Lord"
Who was Nimrod? The king who tried to construct the tower of Babel? The first pope? Elmer Fudd? Here are some links to help you decide.
The Jewish Encyclopedia
WebBible Encyclopedia
Presents of God Ministry: The Actual First Pope
The Etymology of "Nimrod"
Just genealogy not worth any real review
The entire tenth chapter is one of the many boring genealogies (see 1 Chr.1-9, Mt.1:1-17, Lk.3:23-28 for other examples) that we are told to avoid in 1 Tim.1:4 and Tit.3:9 ("Avoid foolish questions and genealogies.")
(10:5, 20, 31)"Every one after his tongue"
These verses show that, contrary to 11:1, many languages existed before construction began on the tower of Babel.
Were there languages before Babel?
(10:8-9) "Nimrod ... a mighty hunter before the Lord"
Who was Nimrod? The king who tried to construct the tower of Babel? The first pope? Elmer Fudd? Here are some links to help you decide.
The Jewish Encyclopedia
WebBible Encyclopedia
Presents of God Ministry: The Actual First Pope
The Etymology of "Nimrod"