Friday, November 27, 2009

FOX News Angry at Lack of Religious Displays in Washington State Capitol


FOX News Channel can’t believe it.

The Capitol Building in Washington state isn’t allowing atheist displays or Nativity scenes or anything else… How *dare* the state government treat all groups equally?!

Essentially, they’re reporting on what is a lack of news.

They cover it if no religious/non-religious displays go up.

They cover it if atheist displays go up.

They won’t be satisfied until a Nativity scene — and no other display — is prominently in all government buildings.

In other words, screw the Jews and Muslims and any other group that has something to celebrate over this holiday season.

(via Atheist Media Blog)


FOX News Angry at Lack of Religious Displays in Washington State Capitol
Hemant Mehta
Fri, 27 Nov 2009 20:13:20 GMT

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