Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Differences between Atheism and Christianity

  • We demand ten percent of your money.
  • We demand at least one hour per week of your time.
  • We demand total allegiance.
  • Don't think for yourself.
  • Obey all of our rules, even if they're absurd or evil.
  • Only vote for candidates of whom we approve.
  • If you disagree with us, you will be roasted in the flames of hell for all eternity.
  • People on the other side are either knowing or unknowing agents of the devil.
  • We don't want your money.
  • We don't want your time.
  • We don't want your allegiance.
  • Think for yourself.
  • Live as you see fit.
  • Vote for whomever you want.
  • If you disagree with us, nothing bad will happen to you.
  • Most people on the other side are good people who are simply mistaken.
via (Heaven's Hoax)

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