Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Argument from Quantum Mechanics, for the Non-Existence of the Christian God

This is another original Atheological argument
I innovated, that shows how Quantum Mechanics proves the Christian God does not exist.

The importance of disproving God cannot be
stressed enough:

God, and the God concept, subsist upon
the invalid metaphysical Ontology of
the Primacy of Consciousness, over the
Primacy of Existence. Because of that, if God
were real, this would have disastrous
consequences for the Uniformity
of Nature, the Intelligibility of the
Universe, and would mean there could
be no truth or factuality to existence.

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1 comment:

  1. True. However most Christians are not going to understand your argument because they do not have the intellectual background to grasp their concepts, having buried their heads in the sand-er-I-mean Bible. The few that will understand will counter-argue that because their God is omnipotent and omniscient, He can "harmlessly exclude" Himself from the physical laws that govern His Creation.


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