And to think we actually wonder why FOX News viewers are misinformed idiots. It’s because FOX News is run by misinformed idiots:
see more Fail BlogYes, that’s a real image and not a Photoshop job. It’s apparently from late July. Now I’m not the greatest at geography myself, but if I were making maps for a major news channel I’d take the time to make sure they were accurate. What with Iraq being in the news for almost a decade now you’d think FOX News could at least get their maps correct. I wonder if this is the work of the same idiot who keeps labeling scandal plagued Republicans as being Democrats?
(Via Stupid Evil Bastard)
FOX News puts Egypt where Iraq should be on map.
Wed, 12 Aug 2009 14:46:55 GMT
I've noticed they also frequently put their heads where their asses should be.